RASAero II Comparisons with Flight Data

RASAero II Comparison with MESOS 293K Flight Data

Kip Daugirdas Project MESOS 293K Flight Video

Proteus 6

Curt Newport and Jeff Taylor Proteus 6 rocket, powered by P9381 rocket motor.  ARTS instrumentation and telemetry system.  Accelerometer-based altitude and velocity data to 85,067 ft apogee altitude.  Barometric altimeter data and GPS altitude data during parachute descent from 46,000 ft to landing.

Comparisons of RASAero II flight simulation flight predictions with altitude and velocity based on on-board measured axial acceleration.  RASAero II flight simulation predicted parachute descent altitude versus time compared to barometric altimeter data and GPS altitude data.

Violent Agreement SS Sustainer – J530
Comparison with In-Flight Measured Subsonic-Transonic-Supersonic CD

Adrian Adamson Violent Agreement SS Sustainer rocket, powered by J530 rocket motor.  RASAero II CD prediction compared to in-flight measured CD for subsonic-transonic-supersonic up to Mach 2.4.  In-flight CD measured during the coast phase of the flight based on accelerometer data.

Violent Agreement – I216
Comparison with In-Flight Measured Subsonic-Transonic-Supersonic CD

Adrian Adamson Violent Agreement rocket, powered by I216 rocket motor.  RASAero II CD prediction compared to in-flight measured CD for subsonic-transonic-supersonic up to Mach 1.5.  In-flight CD measured during the coast phase of the flight based on accelerometer data.

LOC/Precision Caliber Isp™

LOC/Precision Caliber Isp™, powered by an I205 rocket motor.  Blacksky AltAcc axial accelerometer and barometric altimeter instrumentation unit.  Altitude from barometric altimeter 3,964 ft.

Comparisons of RASAero II flight simulation flight predictions with on-board measured axial acceleration, apogee altitude from barometric altimeter, and parachute descent rate and descent time based on barometric altimeter data from apogee to landing.